I am Manuel Aponte, though many people call me Manny. I am a Management Information Systems (MIS) major. I am currently a senior set to graduate in December. One of my favorite things about this major is the option to take classes that focus on cyber security as that is the field I want a career in. The best class I've taken so far has been Infrastructure and Security because it has been the most informative and relevant class for my career goals.
My career goals have changed throughout my life. Ever since I was a young lad I wanted to join the military. This was partly due to my family and largely due to me being interested in firearms, vehicles, battles, and such. The familial influence came from my dad, Navy during Nam, uncle, Army 101st Airborne during Nam, and brother, currently a Marine reservist. I had wanted to join the Army when I was really young because I thought that's all the military was. As I grew older I learned of the other branches and the different things they all did. While I was in high school my brother joined the Marines and I switched to wanting to join the Marines because of him. As I got closer to graduating high school, I met with the recruiters and went to PT with them and the other poolees (Marine recruits before they ship out to basic training) about six months before I graduated. Everything seemed to be going well until I actually did graduate and the ball started rolling on actually recruiting me. Unfortunately when I was two and five years old, I had some surgeries done because I was a sick boy, and part of the recruitment process is going through MEPS and having their docs look at you and review your medical history. The doc took a look and said no, so the Marines said there was nothing they could do and transferred me to the Army recruiters.

Group poolee photo RSS OKC South from November 2016.
The Army recruiters helped me out by contacting the MEPS doc and trying to see what could be done. For the next about year and a half, we had a back and forth with the doc about different things he needed tested to see if he could accept me, so I got them tested. During this time, I figured if I got in, I would join the Army as a combat engineer and earn a Sapper and Ranger tab. Unfortunately, after spending thousands in medical exams and repeatedly being told I'm fine, healthy, and that there was nothing wrong with my body from the surgeries I had when I was young, the MEPS doc kept turning me away. I decided to give up on trying to join as I was already halfway done with my degree and the doc didn't budge.
I was originally a Civil Engineering major that switched to a Construction Science major (basically like Civil Engineering but less math and more science) since I wanted to be a combat engineer. I then switched my major to MIS so that I could have a better chance at serving my country from a civilian role. Also, civilian construction jobs didn't interest me.
Personal photo of my dog Deagle from August 2019.
My current path seems to be working out quite nicely as I wasn't set back much since I'm still graduating early, and I'm currently working for the Air Force (as an Intern) in a cyber security role with a job lined up with them in December. In some ways, I think it was meant to be as the Air Force was the only branch no one in my family has been in so I suppose I fill that role now. I now work in a field I'm happy with that also allows me to spoil my family, especially my dog, and purchase firearms, my biggest hobby.