Sections 7-8
Sugriva fights his brother, Vali, to come back home, but Rama is the one who delivers the finishing blow on Vali with an arrow. After hunkering down for the storm to pass, they resume the search for Sita. Hanuman heads south and meets Simpati, Jatayu's brother, and is informed that Sita is in Lanka. When Hanuman gets to Lanka, he meets Vibshana, Ravana's brother, but Vib is an ally of Rama. Vib informs Han where to find Sita, where he sees her deny Ravana's advances. He then infoms Sita Rama is coming and causes a ruckus. He is catupred with his tail lit on fire, but uses that to set the city ablaze. He ruturns to Rama to inform him of the situation. Both sides prepare for war, and Rama has a bridge made to Lanka.
Sections 9-10
Rama's army then arrives in Lanka and the conflict begins. Lakshmana is wounded in battle but is saved by Hanuman flying away and returning with special herbs. Eventually, Rama faces Ravana and Indra arrives and sends his chariot and weapons to Rama. With the assistance, Rama slays Ravana. Ravana is given a funeral and Sita's innocence is proven with fire. Rama, Sita, and Lakshmana then depart to go back home. Unfortunatey, Rama exiled Sita as people would spread rumors about Sita's innocence. Sita would give birth to two boys who eventually meet Rama and learn that he is their father. Sita then returns home but is consumed by the earth to prove her innocence.
"The Divine Archer" (1911) by F.J. Gould.
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